Prevent Fatal and Life-Changing Injuries: The N3L3 Philosophy

Fatal and Life-Changing (F&LC) injuries don't just impact the worker involved, they can also jeopardize their ability to provide for their families, now and in the future.

Implementing our N3L3 philosophies for preventing F&LC injury events protects both your organization and the lives, livelihoods and loved ones of your employees--your most valuable asset, particularly in a tight labor market.

Learning Objectives:
1) Learn how the perception of risks in the workplace, and how they are managed, are key to reducing the potential for fatal and life-changing injuries.
2) Understand that the absence of a past fatal or life-changing injury does not mean one will not happen in the future, and is not a reliable indicator when assessing risk.
3) Identify key factors most likely to contribute to fatal and life-changing events, which are different from those things that cause minor injuries.


Recorded May 19, 2022. Click here for recording